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CALL US: (703) 992-9255


CALL US: (703) 992-9255


John S. Rah


[email protected]

Mobile: (240) 463-4225       

Fax: (703) 832-0211


New York University, BA

Georgetown University Law Center, J.D

John S. Rah is Counsel and Head of Life Sciences Compliance Practice.   For 30 years, Mr. Rah has advised pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers on all aspects of an effective compliance program such as training, policies and procedures, monitoring, risk assessments , etc.  Mr. Rah has a deep understanding of the key U.S. legal risks associated with the various activities of a pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers and how these activities are generally undertaken or operationalized.  When advising clients, he understands the execution risk of activities in an organization.   Mr. Rah has advised and counseled manufacturers on 25 Corporate Integrity Agreements between the manufacturers and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. 

Practice Areas:

  • Advising on relevant policies and procedures, systems and processes designed to ensure compliance with key health care laws such as the Anti-Kickback Statute and Food Drug and Cosmetics Law.  
  • Advising on monitoring programs designed to identify potential violations of company policies and procedures and to identify appropriate remedial actions. 
  • Advising on risk assessment processes that are designed to identify the key risks in the company and designing mitigation plans to address those risks.
  • Negotiating Corporate Integrity Agreements with the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General and implementing and operationalizing Corporate Integrity Agreements.  I have represented approximately 20 manufacturers on Corporate Integrity Agreement matters.
  • Providing enforcement updates to compliance personnel, compliance committee members and boards of directors to assist those individuals have relevant information to perform their respective management or oversight obligations.
  • Oversee internal investigations to provide subject matter expertise regarding the topic of the investigation and often leveraging white-collar and regulatory colleagues to conduct or inform the investigation.


Mr. Rah is a graduate of New York University, BA, 1986 and Georgetown University Law Center, J.D. 1993.

Prior to joining Potter & Murdock, Mr. Rah was a partner in the Washington, D.C. offices of various international and national law firms.

Mr. Rah’s practice includes counseling to large, mid-size and smaller pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers. 

Mr. Rah has guest lectured on compliance topics at Temple University Law School Center for Compliance, the University of Florida Levin College of Law and Northeastern University Law School.